
About the Journal

„Teologia Praktyczna” [„Practical Theology”] is a continuation, albeit in a new form, of a journal under the same title which began to appear before the Second World War. The first volume (see: „Teologia Praktyczna” [reprint]) is a faithful copy of the first three pre-war issues from 1939.

      The noteworthy publishing initiative of the interwar period which subsequently led to the creation of the quarterly „Teologia Praktyczna” originated in the milieu of the priests professors of the Archiepiscopal Seminary in Poznań. The then rector of this ecclesiastical college, Rev. Kazimierz Kowalski, who edited the new journal with such an up to date title, wished – in the spirit of his times – to meet the needs of the pastor who burdened with his daily chores can today neither summon himself up to a systematic perusal of the more recent theological treatises nor to a comprehensive application of the contemporary achievements of the sacred science, nor finally to resolve on his own, in the light of the principles of faith, the problems of contemporary human life that changes with frantic speed („Teologia Praktyczna” 1/1939 p. 3).

       The Publishing House of the Faculty of Theology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań took up the idea of reviving the pre-war journal „Teologia Praktyczna” in a new form, wishing to contribute to the creation of yet another platform for the presentation of pastoral inspirations grounded in scholarly theological reflection. 

       It is in this spirit that the editors of the journal intend to present the scientific output of scholars connected not only with the university milieu of Poznań, but also of the representatives of other academic centres and especially those scholars who see the need to endorse the scientific status of pastoral theology in Poland.